Monday 5 December 2011

Boggart News

I was self-impressed to knock out nearly 3,500 words of “Ester and the Boggarts” in under three hours this morning.  My heroine has been suitably inconvenienced, imperilled, encountered her first boggart and got home to tell the tale.  Is a total of 10,000 words enough for a standalone story?  I see it as part of a series for the
9 to 12 age group with Sophie younger daughter illustrating as part of the USP.

Perhaps one day somebody will want to buy my shed for a ridiculous sum.        

Will interested readers and reviewers please contact the author. 


  1. so, when can i have a look at this?

  2. It's all fallen apart a bit, but I'll send it.

  3. Yes do. I remember when I got all your stuff on the back of H & S docs. I guess those days are passed/past (??)
