Monday, 12 December 2011

DIY and me

I undertook kitchen worktop stabilisation this morning.  A ten-minute job for a handyman worked out at two hours for me, but most of it is done and tomorrow I only have to do a smaller section, make good the errors in today’s work and squirt sealant into all the gaps and the kitchen will be finished: thirteen months after the technical start date. 

At this rate the whole house will be redecorated by 2020. 

A narrow window of okay weather meant the paving contractor could get started today and, six months after I started digging the hole, we have a shed base!  He sorted out the mess I had left, levelled the site, did other arcane things and had it paved in the time it took me to do the above worktop wrangling. 

Who says DIY makes sense?  Not for this writer!  Not to be too self-deprecating, I believe the following holds good:

Those who can: do
Those who know: teach
Those who are neither: OFSTED (yes, it’s a verb!)

And then there is me!

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