Thursday, 22 December 2011

Belt Involved in Freak Accident

Back to the design stage, I fear.  The Dragons' Den and Patent Office will have to wait a little longer for my Writers’ Utility Belt. 

The details of the incident need only be sketchy. 

The prototype WUB let me down in the bathroom two weeks ago when the non buckle end of the belt unravelled from its loops and my camera slipped free to plunge into the WC pan.  Days of warm, dry boiler cupboard air and repeated re-chargings of the battery have proven futile.  I killed my camera.   

Lessons learned:  

1. Smooth, shiny belts lack friction.

2. The buckle end is best for valuable items - my notebook and pen pouch remained in place.  

3. I am careless (already known, but now expensively reminded).

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