Saturday, 11 February 2012

DIM in Progress 02

Something – perhaps memories of much of a working life spent “in” occupational health and safety – nagged away at me as I scrubbed down the boiler cupboard door with white spirit.

So I looked up: for details of flashpoint, explosive limits and other pub quiz trivia.   

Alarm bells sounded as years of learning, training, and competent practice kicked in and I thought: 

Flammable substance + oxygen + naked flame = fire triangle = BAD!    

So I switched off the boiler, capped the solvent bottle, opened windows and retired to my Writing Cellar, thus possibly avoiding a ka-boom moment.      

I have lost the natural light, so painting has ceased for the day – at the precise time Italy-England kicked off.  

The above are two examples of serendipity in one day.

And then I went and spoiled it all by doing something stupid like . . . 

Watching the last five minutes of the Italy-England first half. 

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