Friday, 6 January 2012

The World's Best Ever Crunchy Roast Potatoes

1.  Take the right quantity of potatoes (floury maincrop varieties are suitable,
     including Estima and Maris Piper).

2.   Peel and cut into similar size pieces no bigger than three inches across and with as many angles as possible.  Aim to serve each person with at least eight.   

3.   Boil in unsalted water for ten minutes, drain in a colander and leave for another ten for excess water to evaporate.

4.   Place potatoes back in the pan, cover with lid, hold lid in place and shake hard.  Check every ten seconds to see if potatoes are fraying at the edges and sides.  If they remain smooth, repeat stage 3. for five minutes.  

Potatoes can now be left until one hour before needed.   
It is better to over-fray than under-fray.  
This stage is best carried out over a sink in the event that fumbling occurs.    

5.  Pre-heat a fan oven to 200 C. Place enough goose fat (preferably rendered from a goose roasted the previous year and kept frozen in 10 fl oz quantities until thawed overnight at room temperature) in a roasting tray and place on top shelf of oven which should by now be at the temperature of dragon breath.          

“Enough” goose fat is the quantity needed to fill a roasting tray to a depth of half an inch after melting.    
6.  After ten minutes the goose fat will be at the temperature of magma and the pan can be removed from the oven.  (I find it is useful to do this one-handed – I use my left – whilst shielding my face from the searing breath of the oven with the other).   
   7. Cascade potatoes from pan to tray. Do this in four or five stages to allow the   
       Potatoes to be turned and coated with the hot fat.  Turn again to ensure all
       Season with fresh-potatoes glisten if possible, leave a space between each
   ground black pepper and coarse sea salt. 
8. Return pan to oven.  Roast at 200 C for twenty minutes, take out tray, turn potatoes 
    and re-season.

Halfway through this stage, goose fat in a muffin tray or similar can be pre-heated for Yorkshire Puddings.         

9.   Return potatoes to oven, roast for another twenty minutes then check frequently to monitor potato colour.

It helps to pre-clean the glass viewing screen in the oven door to avoid the need to keep opening the door, which is certain death for Yorkshire Puddings.     
10. Remove potatoes and serve immediately.

The potatoes will be so good you will wish to write about them.         
Try to cook too many, as the potatoes will keep in the fridge for up to a week, will re-heat splendidly and also can be eaten cold.
Vegetarians can use olive oil instead of goose fat.  They are used to disappointment.

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